Day Seven: Back to Worrying

The funny thing about worry is that you need the time to do it. All week, I’ve been working hard to keep Winnie comfortable and calm. Now, as she gets better, I worry she’s not more perky and herself. But that’s crazy. She’s still on a ton of meds. It’s 9 degrees outside. Ice everywhere. And she’s exhausted. We both are.

I’m sitting at home (didn’t go to work today) waiting to hear from the oncologist. The biopsy of her knee joint is back. I know that synovial cell sarcoma has been confirmed. But they didn’t have a stage so we don’t know whether or not chemo is ahead. I’ll do whatever it takes to give Winnie the best life possible for as long as possible but, honestly, I’m scared if there is more of this. It’s just me taking care of her and it’s so much worrying and agonizing by yourself. That’s why I am so grateful to have found this community.

So…we wait. But in an effort to keep moving forward, if anyone reads this, I am wondering about two things:

1. I need to get Winnie off of just eating pork chops and hamburger and back to a regular diet. Any suggestions for an anti-cancer diet that I can manage on my own with a busy schedule?

2. How long did folks have their dogs on the pain killers? I don’t think I’ll get her to have much of an appetite until that happens.

I love this dog. Just love her.



7 thoughts on “Day Seven: Back to Worrying”

  1. First, let me commend you for staying home from work today! Time with your girl is important, and everyone needs a day off here and there. As for a diet, there are plenty of meals in the nutrition blog. Do a search and you will find loads of info (home cooked and otherwise)!

    When my boy Max was fighting osteosarcoma, I made him a “dish” with cooked beef, steamed vegetables, and fish and olive oils. I would make a pretty large batch, then freeze it in smaller portions. He didn’t eat this full-time, but I did give it to him on a fairly regular basis. Just to keep his tastebuds happy.

    As for the painkillers, that will be on a dog-by-dog basis. Generally, the time is about 2 weeks. But some dogs go off before, some go off later. Max was on for just over two weeks, as his recovery was a bit longer. It’s tough to keep them on the meds, because it really affects their personality. I was absolutely sure Max was depressed and unhappy at what I’d “done to him.” But, after about 4 weeks of recovery (2+ weeks with meds, then coming off them), he was back to his old self. The meds can really mess up a dog, but unfortunately they are a necessary evil.

    I know it’s easier said than done because I’ve been there, but try not to stress too much. Get your sleep when Winnie sleeps. If you get sad, try not to let her see. She will notice. I know, because I had a few meltdowns in front of my boy, and it affects them to see us upset.

    In the meantime, know that everyone is thinking of your girl and sending positive thoughts your way!!

  2. Hi there

    It really does get better!!!! Winnie is adorable and I’m sure is still really affected by a combination of the medication and the major surgery…plus the fact that she is fighting (and winning) a battle with cancer!

    Tucker never lost his appetite (he is a lab after all) but he wasn’t quite himself until he finished the pain medications, had his sutures removed and no longer had to wear the cone of shame. All of the former happened around the two week mark in the recovery phase.

    Tucker is on a prescription diet right now to lose weight….have to make sure that all of his remaining joints are protected through weight loss, core strengthening and supplements.

    I know it is tough….but try to relax and watch for the light to come back in Winnie’s eyes 🙂


    Linda and Tucker

  3. One look at that sweet girl and you can see why you love her!

    Yes, when it is just yourself, it’s dedinitely doubly hard… one t rotate “night watches” with….no one to help alleviate the stress. And like yo, I am so grateful to this commuity for helping to keep me from going on the edge…many times!!

    Try and keep chunkng things down. You don’t need to make any decision about any tratment util Winnie recovers from surgery. Lets get her feeling better first. That’ of course, will make you feel better! And when you are in a better state of mind…less stress…more sleep…then you can process how you need to move forward. But really, for now just put it on tne back burner for another “weekish”.

    And, for nw, getting her to eat anything half way good for her is a victory!

    I’m sure you’ve probably tried boiled chicken…maybe try a little pat of butter on it or a little melted cheese.

    A really good ‘food” is from The Honest Kitchen. It’s all human grade good…veggies, chicken, supplements, etc…….all ground up and you just add water. I supplement with chicken, or hamburger or sardines.

    A good dry food is EVO…no grain, no carbs (or very low)

    The Dog Cancer Survival Guide has a wealth of info. on nutrition…most of which you will find repeated here n the site.

    Are you seeing any tail wags yet? They should be starting soon!

    For yor own reassurance, you can take a quick trip to your regular vet (again, no easy task when it’s just you tryi g to get her in the car) jist to eliminate any infection, fever, etc.

    I know we keep saying this…but it is from first-hand experience… will get better!! The cold is really rough on a shaved tripawd recovering from major surgeey! Not being able to enjoy laying in the warmth of the sun is discouraging for her.

    Wjere doyou live? We’re freezingour butts off over here in Virginia. We’re not used to five and nine degree nights, especialky for several in a row!

    Okay, keep things chunked down and hopefuly yo can get some more sleep tonight.

    Sending you lots and lots of hugs……and a few sheep for counting tonight! ZZZZZZZZZ

    Sally and Happy Hannah

  4. What a beautiful girl! I know exactly what you are going through and just wanted to touch base to let you know we all had similar experiences. It took Bella about 2 weeks to get off the pain meds and when I look at the beautiful pics of Winnie it reminds me of how my girl looked the week after her surgery. You did the right thing and IT DOES GET BETTER!

    The greatest thing is you get to celebrate with them as they get stronger and they learn to do new things. They are amazing creatures.

    With regard to diet, as soon as we found out Bella had cancer we tried to eliminate as many carbs from her diet as possible. We removed all biscuit treats and she now gets duck jerky, lambs lung, and fish skins. For bones we switched to the natural frozen bones. I found all these low carb treats at Wag-n-Wash and Petsmart. For her main staple we switched her to Blue Buffalo Wilderness (a wheat free diet). She loves it. It was a couple of “gassy” weeks but her stomach settled and she loves it.

    You will be amazed at how quickly Winnie gets back to her old self. Keep giving her kisses and telling her how much of a hero she is! They really are!

  5. Hey Alibetty and Winnie!! I lost you for a few days!! I am not sure how to follow your blog so only keep up with the follow up comments! I’m not very good at this! I too am on my own and understand your worry – I think Winnie and Indi are soul sisters as Indi seems to follow exactly one day behind everything Winnie does!! She is looking fab!!! I am feeling a lot more positive about Indi , it’s small steps ( or hops) but I can see the improvements, and her tail is wagging again, she hopped off the sofa to greet me today ( I left her at home for the first time with Granny babysitting!) my small concerns are Indi won’t drink any water inside at the moment, she prefers my rain water collector and to drink from the pond !?! (She has always had a slurp but now only wants to drink outside?) her appetite has been the biggest worry and after cooking her lots of fresh things every night which she would normally have eaten she has turned her nose up at it all and I have been virtually putting juicy meat on her tongue until she chews!! 2 nights ago I had a small breakthrough as I bought a small foil tin of Sheba cat food and she wolfed it down, the eating has improved since I started taking her for a walk with her brother, she was a little down at him going out without her so I checked with the vet and he said to let her dictate getting back to normal – so off we went! Obviously I only went for a small walk and she was slow towards the end but we have done the same walk for three days and her overall mood has improved no end, she is more confident out than in a confined space of the house I think. For the last 2 nights I have had a couple of hours sleep in my bed then joined her for the rest of the night downstairs which has helped me a bit too. She is so much more settled during the night, she is 30 hrs off Tramadol now and I’m sure is feeling better for it ( I’m still really watching her but she doesn’t appear to be in pain but is still on anti inflammatories, finished her antibiotics today) we have had one vet check and he was generally pleased, no results from the removed tumour yet. Indi is due to have a first Chemo session Monday – life certainly is different, and juggling the 4 legger and making him feel as special is no mean feat!! I am sure that Winnie is getting better every day and loving being spoilt !! Everyone I have met out with her asks about her missing leg and I tell them I don’t know of any human who would be as active this quickly – I am a proud Mum!!! My pink bandana has been ordered!!! It took me a while to realise that most members are in the US and I’m in the UK but your blog and this site got me through a very dark few hours and I can’t give it up to follow just the uk one now!!!! Sending Winnie lots of love and healing ear rubs and a hug for you because I think you’re terrific!! X

  6. Thanks for this blog. I am a single dog Mom to Otis. We are on day 5 post front leg amputation for osteosarcoma, and I was feeling a lot of the same things. Otis is a 106 lb. lab/Dane mix.

    1. Christine! I’m so glad you reached out. You are in the throes at the moment but it will get better. Are you “talking” with Benny55, Jerry and others? They are serious experts and super supportive. I can help too. What can I do? You feeling ok about meds, food, etc?

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